how should i describe it?

after entertaining senior citizens.haha
spot me!
Nah, 12.32am n i still could not sleep.Tmr i have Science mcq exam, although it is only mcq, but still, it is in the morning.
what the hell am i thinking!
thinking a lot of things that i shouldn't n that i dont have to.
oh man!
anw,after tmr, im done with secondary life.
enough of it, although maybe i'll miss those moment.let it be a unforgettably memory.
its good if we could turn off our brain to stop working and sleep, transform to a pig or cow.
Just realized that for the past few days, i sleep around 11-12h. and still feel sleepy.
Ohya, i want to tell y'all that i bought a book!omg.
I myself couldnt believe that i bought it!
the title is "No country for old man"
maybe i starting to love reading books for no reasons.
i read a few pages n i don't really like the way the writer wrote it.
oh well, who cares? atleast he is much x10^999 better than me.
and i think im going back to indo on the 18th of nov which is 7 more days from now.
not so excited about it, not like the first time i wanted to go back.
in indo, maybe i'll blog more often as i really have nothng to do there except eat n eat n eat n sleep n sleep!
what should i do better than those?
!oh god please help me during the exam!
~so, what should i do now?~
nah good qn, maybe i should study? eat AGAIN? or read book??(hell no)
and why i am answer myself? who knows.

lol. nice?
this photo was taken few weeks ago.
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